Business plans

Our friendly and proactive team can help you to put into place an efficient business plan, and can incorporate steps into that plan to minimise your taxes.

All businesses need to develop a business plan. By taking the time to set objectives and develop strategies to achieve them, the opportunities for success are greatly enhanced.

Having assisted you in formulating your plan, we will arrange regular reviews in the light of the business’s actual performance, providing you with an effective business tool.

Our friendly and proactive team can help you to put into place an efficient business plan, and can incorporate steps into that plan to minimise your taxes.

Please contact us for further advice and assistance.

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McIntosh is a trading name of McIntosh Accountants Limited.

Registered Address: McIntosh Chartered Accountants incorporating Facts and Figures, Windsor Lodge, 263A Werrington Road, Bucknall, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST2 9AS
Registered in England | Company number : 04639062

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